I am currently a graduate student at University of California, Irvine working at visual perception and neuroimaging lab (VPNL) with Prof. Emily Grossman. My main research interest is to how we understand someone else’s action in a complex social environment through modeling action perception using fMRI data. I model fMRI data with tools such as machine learning and statistical models.
During spare time, I have a lot of interests. Recently I am trying to make a perfectly sweet espresso and become Ping Pong master in VR.
PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018 - Current
University of California, Irvine
BS in Statistics (Honor) and Psychology, 2012 - 2016
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Python, MATLAB, Bash, Perl, Command line
dplyr, ggplot2
Linear models, Mixed Models, Time Series, Categorical Data, Longitudinal Analysis, Bayesian Analysis, Stochastic Models
Afni, FSL, BrainVoyager, Freesurfer, BIDS, Network Analysis, Surface Analysis
Lead Projects, Delegate Tasks, Effective Communication
Chinese, Japanese, Korean
Synthesize literature, Meta Analysis
Responsibilities include: